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        <title>Events Listing</title>
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        <description>Events descriptions goes here</description>
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                <title>Chamber Annual Membership Dinner</title>
                <description>pJoin us on April 16th for our Annual Membership Dinner at The PiT Bar in Naknek to mingle with other business owners and take part in an engaging presentation by Tim Troll about the Sail Back to the Bay event planned for this summer We will have door prizes and a wonderful 5course dinner prepared by Watters EdgeppppstrongMenustrongpulliGFGluten FreeDFDairy FreeliliBeef Au Vin Slow Roasted Beef in a TomatoRed Wine Reduction with carrots onions potato and Fresh Herbs GFliliPanko Crusted Baked Salmon Baked Salmon with a Panko crust served with a lemon dijon and dill aioli GFDFliliWhite Rice GF DFliliRoasted Garlic Mashed Potatoes GFliliSeared Asparagus GF DFliliClassic Cesar SaladliliGarden Salad with a lemon dill vinaigrette GFDFliliTriple Berry Crisp with Vanilla Ice Creamliul</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">12@https://bristolbaychamber.jagsuitesite.com/events/chamber-annual-membership-dinner</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Join us on April 16th for our Annual Membership Dinner at The PiT Bar in Naknek to mingle with other business owners and take part in an engaging presentation by Tim Troll about the Sail Back to the Bay event planned for this summer. We will have door prizes and a wonderful 5-course dinner prepared by Watter's Edge.</p>
<li>GF-Gluten Free/DF-Dairy Free</li>
<li>Beef Au Vin: Slow Roasted Beef in a Tomato-Red Wine Reduction with carrots, onions, potato, and Fresh Herbs (GF)</li>
<li>Panko Crusted Baked Salmon: Baked Salmon with a Panko crust, served with a lemon, dijon, and dill aioli. (GF)(DF)</li>
<li>White Rice (GF) (DF)</li>
<li>Roasted Garlic Mashed Potatoes (GF)</li>
<li>Seared Asparagus (GF) (DF)</li>
<li>Classic Cesar Salad</li>
<li>Garden Salad with a lemon dill vinaigrette (GF)(DF)</li>
<li>Triple Berry Crisp with Vanilla Ice Cream</li>
</ul> ]]>
                <title>Steve Jones Memorial Scholarship</title>
                <description>p stylemargin 0in 0in 2in 25pt classMsoNormalListed below are the requirements for application opoppp stylemarginleft 270pt textindent 25in msolist l0 level1 lfo1 classMsoNormal if supportListsspan stylefontsize 100pt lineheight 103 fontfamily Wingdings msofareastfontfamily Wingdings msobidifontfamily Wingdingsspan stylefontvariantnumeric normal fontvarianteastasian normal fontstretch normal fontsize 7pt lineheight normal fontfamily Times New Roman spanspanendifMust be a resident of the Bristol Bay Borough graduating in 2021 opoppp stylemarginleft 270pt textindent 25in msolist l0 level1 lfo1 classMsoNormal if supportListsspan stylefontsize 100pt lineheight 103 fontfamily Wingdings msofareastfontfamily Wingdings msobidifontfamily Wingdingsspan stylefontvariantnumeric normal fontvarianteastasian normal fontstretch normal fontsize 7pt lineheight normal fontfamily Times New Roman spanspanendifMust submit a short essay regarding the applicants interests activities or future plans related to volunteerism andor the fishing industry in the Bristol Bay region Please include specific information regarding how the funds will be used Please include applicant contact information opoppp stylemarginleft 270pt textindent 25in msolist l0 level1 lfo1 classMsoNormal if supportListsspan stylefontsize 100pt lineheight 103 fontfamily Wingdings msofareastfontfamily Wingdings msobidifontfamily Wingdingsspan stylefontvariantnumeric normal fontvarianteastasian normal fontstretch normal fontsize 7pt lineheight normal fontfamily Times New Roman spanspanendifThe funds may be used for further education travel to an educational program or purchase of equipment or supplies relating to a business or educational endeavor opoppp stylemargin 0in textindent 0in lineheight 107 classMsoNormalopoppp stylemargin 0in 0in 145pt 25pt classMsoNormalCompleted applications must be submitted by May 2 2022 to Bristol Bay Borough Chamber of Commerce Executive Director at strongexecutivedirectorbristolbaychambercomstrong This scholarship will be awarded on May 14 2022 at the Bristol Bay Borough School Graduation ceremony A minimum amount of 2000 will be awarded for the continuing education of recipients The amount may be split between award winners if there is more than one qualified candidate The award will be forwarded to an educational organization or other entity upon receipt of a letter of acceptance and statement of intent regarding the use of the funds from the winner opoppp stylemargin 0in 0in 146pt 25pt classMsoNormalvshapetype idx0000t202 vstroke vpath vpathvstrokevshapetypevshape styleposition absolute left 0px marginleft 2835pt margintop 279pt width 27085pt height 57pt zindex 251657216 visibility visible idTextx0020Boxx00202 vtextbox  if mso vtextboxvshapeptabletbodytrtdendifdivp stylemarginleft 25pt classMsoNormalBristol Bay Borough Chamber of Commerceopoppp stylemarginleft 25pt classMsoNormalPO Box 224 opoppp stylemarginleft 25pt classMsoNormalKing Salmon AK 99613 opoppp stylemarginleft 25pt classMsoNormal9072462222 span stylefontsize 110pt lineheight 103 fontfamily Calibrisansserif msofareastfontfamily Calibri color blackspanopoppp classMsoNormalopoppdiv if msotdtrtbodytablependif We at Bristol Bay Borough Chamber of Commerce are excited to help you to build toward a productive future We look forward to welcoming you to our business familyopopppp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">13@https://bristolbaychamber.jagsuitesite.com/events/steve-jones-memorial-scholarship</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p style="margin: 0in 0in .2in -.25pt;" class="MsoNormal">Listed below are the requirements for application: <o:p></o:p></p>
<p style="margin-left: 27.0pt; text-indent: -.25in; mso-list: l0 level1 lfo1;" class="MsoNormal"><!-- [if !supportLists]--><span style="font-size: 10.0pt; line-height: 103%; font-family: Wingdings; mso-fareast-font-family: Wingdings; mso-bidi-font-family: Wingdings;">▪<span style="font-variant-numeric: normal; font-variant-east-asian: normal; font-stretch: normal; font-size: 7pt; line-height: normal; font-family: 'Times New Roman';">  </span></span><!--[endif]-->Must be a resident of the Bristol Bay Borough, graduating in 2021. <o:p></o:p></p>
<p style="margin-left: 27.0pt; text-indent: -.25in; mso-list: l0 level1 lfo1;" class="MsoNormal"><!-- [if !supportLists]--><span style="font-size: 10.0pt; line-height: 103%; font-family: Wingdings; mso-fareast-font-family: Wingdings; mso-bidi-font-family: Wingdings;">▪<span style="font-variant-numeric: normal; font-variant-east-asian: normal; font-stretch: normal; font-size: 7pt; line-height: normal; font-family: 'Times New Roman';">  </span></span><!--[endif]-->Must submit a short essay regarding the applicant’s interests, activities or future plans related to volunteerism and/or the fishing industry in the Bristol Bay region. Please include specific information regarding how the funds will be used. Please include applicant contact information. <o:p></o:p></p>
<p style="margin-left: 27.0pt; text-indent: -.25in; mso-list: l0 level1 lfo1;" class="MsoNormal"><!-- [if !supportLists]--><span style="font-size: 10.0pt; line-height: 103%; font-family: Wingdings; mso-fareast-font-family: Wingdings; mso-bidi-font-family: Wingdings;">▪<span style="font-variant-numeric: normal; font-variant-east-asian: normal; font-stretch: normal; font-size: 7pt; line-height: normal; font-family: 'Times New Roman';">  </span></span><!--[endif]-->The funds may be used for further education, travel to an educational program, or purchase of equipment or supplies relating to a business or educational endeavor. <o:p></o:p></p>
<p style="margin: 0in; text-indent: 0in; line-height: 107%;" class="MsoNormal"> <o:p></o:p></p>
<p style="margin: 0in 0in 14.5pt -.25pt;" class="MsoNormal">Completed applications must be submitted by May 2, 2022 to Bristol Bay Borough Chamber of Commerce Executive Director at <strong>executivedirector@bristolbaychamber.com</strong>. This scholarship will be awarded on May 14, 2022 at the Bristol Bay Borough School Graduation ceremony. A minimum amount of $2,000 will be awarded for the continuing education of recipient(s). The amount may be split between award winners if there is more than one qualified candidate. The award will be forwarded to an educational organization or other entity upon receipt of a letter of acceptance and statement of intent regarding the use of the funds from the winner. <o:p></o:p></p>
<p style="margin: 0in 0in 14.6pt -.25pt;" class="MsoNormal"><v:shapetype id="_x0000_t202"> <v:stroke> <v:path> </v:path></v:stroke></v:shapetype><v:shape style="position: absolute; left: 0px; margin-left: 283.5pt; margin-top: 27.9pt; width: 270.85pt; height: 57pt; z-index: -251657216; visibility: visible;" id="Text_x0020_Box_x0020_2"> <v:textbox> <!-- [if !mso]--> </v:textbox></v:shape></p>
<p style="margin-left: -.25pt;" class="MsoNormal">Bristol Bay Borough Chamber of Commerce<o:p></o:p></p>
<p style="margin-left: -.25pt;" class="MsoNormal">PO Box 224 <o:p></o:p></p>
<p style="margin-left: -.25pt;" class="MsoNormal">King Salmon, AK 99613 <o:p></o:p></p>
<p style="margin-left: -.25pt;" class="MsoNormal">907-246-2222 <span style="font-size: 11.0pt; line-height: 103%; font-family: 'Calibri',sans-serif; mso-fareast-font-family: Calibri; color: black;"> </span><o:p></o:p></p>
<p class="MsoNormal"><o:p> </o:p></p>
<!-- [if !mso]--></td>
<p><!--[endif]--> We at Bristol Bay Borough Chamber of Commerce are excited to help you to build toward a productive future. We look forward to welcoming you to our business family! <o:p></o:p></p>
<p></p> ]]>
                <title>Community Clean Up Days</title>
                <description>pMay 20th and 21st Community CleanUp Days Bristol Bay Borough is waiving fees on May 20 amp 21ppfor large and other specialty items Must make prior arrangements with Public Works forpppick up  drop off of large and specialty items publicworksbbbakus Cars MUST be drained of all fluids batteries removed and landfill personnel notified about the incoming items Post selifes on the Chamber Facebook Page and win prizes wwwfacebookcombristolbaychambercom Volunteers Neededp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">14@https://bristolbaychamber.jagsuitesite.com/events/community-clean-up-days</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>May 20th and 21st. Community Clean-Up Days Bristol Bay Borough is waiving fees on May 20 &amp; 21</p>
<p>for large and other specialty items. Must make prior arrangements with Public Works for</p>
<p>pick up / drop off of large and specialty items publicworks@bbbak.us. Cars MUST be drained of all fluids, batteries removed and landfill personnel notified about the incoming items.  Post selifes on the Chamber Facebook Page and win prizes. www.facebook.com/bristolbaychamber.com Volunteers Needed!</p> ]]>
                <title>Bristol Bay Winterfest</title>
                <description>pCome join in the fun Bristol Bay Winterfest 2023p</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">15@https://bristolbaychamber.jagsuitesite.com/events/bristol-bay-winterfest</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Come join in the fun! Bristol Bay Winterfest 2023!</p> ]]>
                <description>div stylefontfamily Calibri Arial Helvetica sansserif fontsize 12pt color 000000Fishtival is a celebration of the heart of Bristol Bay the fish that dictate all we do in remote Alaska From the start of the run of sockeye salmon thousands of people gather to catch fish for subsistance sport and through commercial fishing Fishtival is typically at the tail end of the sockeye run and celebrates the community resiliency and heartiness of Bristol Baybr br Activities include a fish toss fillet contest duck races bazaar and many more fun eventsbr br Fishtival is one of two yearly festivals that serve as fundraisers for the Chamber and funds are used to support 2 scholarships for graduating seniors and to help support other community needsbr br Stay tuned for an official schedule for week of eventsbr br Contacta stylecolor 1155cc targetblank hrefmailtobristolbayfishtivalbristolbaychambercom relnoopenerbristolbayfishtivalwbr bristolbaychambercomaor 907 4693277 for more information to reserve a bazaar table or to host an eventdiv</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">16@https://bristolbaychamber.jagsuitesite.com/events/fishtival</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <div style="font-family: Calibri, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12pt; color: #000000;">Fishtival is a celebration of the heart of Bristol Bay- the fish that dictate all we do in remote Alaska. From the start of the run of sockeye salmon, thousands of people gather to catch fish for subsistance, sport, and through commercial fishing. Fishtival is typically at the tail end of the sockeye run and celebrates the community, resiliency, and heartiness of Bristol Bay. <br /><br />Activities include a fish toss, fillet contest, duck races, bazaar, and many more fun events!  <br /><br />Fishtival is one of two yearly festivals that serve as fundraisers for the Chamber and funds are used to support 2 scholarships for graduating seniors, and to help support other community needs. <br /><br />Stay tuned for an official schedule for week of events. <br /><br />Contact <a style="color: #1155cc;" target="_blank" href="mailto:bristolbayfishtival@bristolbaychamber.com" rel="noopener">bristolbayfishtival@<wbr />bristolbaychamber.com</a> or (907) 469-3277 for more information, to reserve a bazaar table, or to host an event. </div> ]]>